The Illinois Poverty Action Council – Political Action Committee (IPAC-PAC) is a separate segregated fund of the Illinois Poverty Action Council. IPAC-PAC is a political action committee dedicated to fighting poverty in Illinois through the Illinois Community Action network. IPAC-PAC provides bipartisan support for causes aligned with fighting poverty.
Donate to IPAC-PAC
Your IPAC-PAC contribution will be used to advance public policy and conduct lobbying. We do not accept business contributions. All contributions must be from individuals.
Team 1964: In honor of the year Community Action was created, a $19.64 or more donation earns you a spot on Team 1964. You will receive exclusive Policy Notes newsletters and an invitation to a special annual event.
IPAC Champions: IPAC Champions recognizes anyone making an annual donation of $100 or more. You will receive exclusive updates, special editions of Policy Notes, and an invitation to a special annual event.